
LXD Fuel Park

LXD Creative

LXD Fuel Park

LXD PETRO PARK is an energy project launched across Kerala by LXD Creative(P) Ltd in association with India's leading petroleum company. 5,00,000 rupees per share of these petrol pumps which will start with public participation.

  • Limited to forty five shares per store.
  • A person is allotted more than one share.
  • Shares are accepted from within and outside India.
  • Each unit will have regular auditing and dividend distribution every month.
  • Dividend per unit will be sent to shareholders account in respective months and
    accurate income and expenditure report will be sent through email and
  • Every six months there will be a meeting with the share holders of each unit.
  • At the end of every year there will be a family meet with the shareholders of the
    units and a tour package.
  • After the death of the shareholders, the dividend of their respective stores will be
    paid to their nominees.

LXD Creative

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